MicroStation (Various): Installing Multiple Versions of MicroStation/InRoads/Map

We are often required to have multiple versions of Microstation and InRoads active on our workstations.  I am looking for a detailed workflow on proper installation procedures.  If a such a workflow does not exist, I would like to create one.  Can you assist?

In a big company, the users have lost most of the control of the installation process, and it is getting to a point where we need a written procedure to supply to the IT department, in an attempt to have a smooth installation.  For example, say a user has newer PowerInRoads version installed already, but needs to have Microstation XM and InRoads XM installed.  After requesting installation from IT, the IT rep tends to install just the requested software version, without regard to installation order by release date and the need to reinstall the existing software.  In the end, the software doesn't work correctly.

Can you help me with understanding:

  • when installation order matters and when it doesn't
  • how existing Microstation/InRoads/Map program versions are affected by installs of other versions
  • which versions can and cannot exist simultaneously on the same workstation
  • what about the workstation should be assessed before installation of anything

Are there other things to be considered?

Are there training topics that exist that I could review?


  • Please take a look at the following articles for information:



  • Thank you Jacquelyn.

    The first article, Order of Installation for InRoads/MicroStation, states the order of installation should be Prerequisities, Microstation and then InRoads. 

    • How would installation of Map fit into this workflow? 
    • If you were installing multiple versions of Microstation and Inroads, would the order be
    • Either OLDmicrostation, OLDinroads, NEWmicrostation, NEWinroads
    • Or OLDmicrostation, NEWmicrostation, OLDinroads, NEWinroads

    The second article, Can Multiple Civil Products be Installed on the Same Machine?, discusses layered products, giving GEOPAK running on top of Microstation as an example. 

    • Is there a list of possible layered products available?  If not, can you give more common examples?

  • Map is delivered with the civil products, so there is no reason to install both Map and InRoads. A single InRoads/GEOPAK/MX installation will also install Map. If you are installing Map only, you would follow the same order: Prerequisites, MicroStation, Map.

    You should not install multiple MicroStation versions. You should have only one MicroStation on a single workstation. The exception is MicroStation CONNECT. You can have MicroStation CONNECT and one older MicroStation version installed on the same machine.

    If you have both an old and a new version of InRoads/GEOPAK/MX to be installed, the order does not matter.

    The layered civil products are InRoads, GEOPAK, and MX. There are many more examples such as Rail Track, Map, Descartes, MineCycle Designer, etc. "Layered" simply means any application that is not standalone and runs as a vertical application on top of MicroStation.

  • Map is delivered with the civil products, so there is no reason to install both Map and InRoads. A single InRoads/GEOPAK/MX installation will also install Map. If you are installing Map only, you would follow the same order: Prerequisites, MicroStation, Map.

    You should not install multiple MicroStation versions. You should have only one MicroStation on a single workstation. The exception is MicroStation CONNECT. You can have MicroStation CONNECT and one older MicroStation version installed on the same machine.

    If you have both an old and a new version of InRoads/GEOPAK/MX to be installed, the order does not matter.

    The layered civil products are InRoads, GEOPAK, and MX. There are many more examples such as Rail Track, Map, Descartes, MineCycle Designer, etc. "Layered" simply means any application that is not standalone and runs as a vertical application on top of MicroStation.
