OpenRoads ConceptStation - Editing superelevation


Is there a way to edit the maximum superelevation in ConceptStation? It is nice that the superelevation is applied automatically, but the cross sections are showing an 8% super when typically 4% is used on my project. Also, only the outside lanes are supered, but I need all the lanes to be supered. I haven't seen anything in the settings related to this.



  • Currently there is no way to edit the super rates.  Below is a clip from the help file explaining what is being calculated:

    When placing and modifying a road, superelevation is automatically calculated using AASTHO method 5, based on the road design speed.

    When the design speed is <= 80km/h, the software uses the 6% table. The 8% table is used when the design speed is greater than 80km/h.

    When the design speed is <= 45mph, the software uses the 6% table. The 8% table is used when the design speed is greater than 45mph.