Roadway Template Point Property Dialog is Hidden

How do you get back to the Point Properties dialog when it becomes hidden? When another application takes the focus away from the Point Properties modal window, it gets lost and I cannot figure out how to get back to it.

Parents Reply
  • Yep, this is the problem, it is impossible to regain control of that tab. Just started on roadway corridors again after enjoying life slightly while using OpenBridge, and first template I had to modify from a standard software supplied to my needs, and when checking details on a PDF for use in the template the f&%*ing window disappears and I lose ten minutes work. Thanks Bentley, you're all over your poorly designed software... most companies would be embarrassed to rely on users to find workarounds and generally avoid these sort of problems - typically you don't build a feature into the software that contains trapdoors to work losses. Not Bentley though. How have they gotten this far? They are the Funcom of CAD software.

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