ORD Update 2 Slope indicators/tad poles


The What's New section states that there is an enhancement for drawing production to draw slope indicators/tad poles? 

I am digging for that tool in the Ribbon, Toll Boxes and can not find it. How to access this tools? Is it a feature definitione/symbology setting?

Must say that I was waiting for this tool for a while.

thanks in advance

Parents Reply
  • Adam - create a Plan\Linear 3d annotation group e.g. Slope Signature. Right click and manage. Add a Side Slope Annotation entry. In the Location - Features text box, write the feature definitions of the LOWER elements of the slope e.g. outside of ditch (in cut), the fill line on embankment (which in my case was Cut line as I had a feature override on in the template). 

    In the feature symbology Properties of the UPPER features e.g. back of verge or Cut line, add the new annotation group to the 3D section. When you then annotate the model, your slope signatures will be there.

    Answer Verified By: Adam Wieczorek 
