Plan View Labeler in OpenRoads

Where do we find the Plan View Labeler in OpenRoads to label Sta. Offsets and other types of labels?

  • Any update on this topic? The text rotation is definitely an issue. You can rotate the text manually but that'll be very time consuming. There must be a better solution than rotating manually or just going back to V8i and Geopak labeling tools.

    Also wondering if there are any tools similar to Plan View Labeling, Profile Labeling, or DP Station Offset in OpenRoads for design purposes. These tools were helpful for more than just production/labeling and provided a quick and easy way to grab stations and offsets or draw guides at specific points.

    Jonathan Langston, P.E.
    Roadway Engineer
    Kisinger Campo & Associates
    4800 Six Forks Rd., Suite 120, Raleigh, NC  27609
  • Any update on this topic? The text rotation is definitely an issue. You can rotate the text manually but that'll be very time consuming. There must be a better solution than rotating manually or just going back to V8i and Geopak labeling tools.

    Also wondering if there are any tools similar to Plan View Labeling, Profile Labeling, or DP Station Offset in OpenRoads for design purposes. These tools were helpful for more than just production/labeling and provided a quick and easy way to grab stations and offsets or draw guides at specific points.

    Jonathan Langston, P.E.
    Roadway Engineer
    Kisinger Campo & Associates
    4800 Six Forks Rd., Suite 120, Raleigh, NC  27609