ORD update 2: questions about civil accudraw

Couple questions regarding civil accudraw in ORD update 2.

First, is there a way to save custom civil accudraw tools for the vertical and section windows?  I can do this for horizontal window, but not for the other windows. 

Next, there doesn't seem to be any options that allow for an elevation to be assigned  when creating custom tools despite being present in the default civil accudraw tools for the profile in cross section views.

Finally, in the profile window there is an option to use civil accudraw to place along a slope.  Is there a similar way to draw a defined slope in cross section view?  I'd like to be able to easily draw a 1:4, 1:6 or 5% line in my section, but can't seem to figure out how without manually creating a line with 2 offset/elevation points.