Parametric Constraints: Labels and Start/Stop Values


I am using the parametric constraint label "V_OFFSET" in my roadway templates to draw non-continuous features such as gravity walls on both sides of the roadway, within a single corridor.  To provide visual clarity, I am "stacking" these features (which are to be either turned on or off) in my roadway templates, coupled with a single parametric constraint label = "V_OFFSET" for all of these non-continuous features.  Can I use a single "V_OFFSET" label for all of these features, or must they each have their own unique label?  Also, in the "Create Parametric Constraint" dialog box, what do the "Start Value" and "Stop Value" represent, and how and when should they be used?

  • Michael

    There are numerous ways to achieve your desired result. Here's the method I use. I reserve the V_offset constraint for the high or low side of the curve ie positive or negative superelevation and I usually stack this above the default template. For your gravity wall I would place this below your default template. Now on your gravity wall edge detail I would use a parametric label called "gravity_wall" thus users know what the edge detail is. This feature as you have shown would be stacked with the value in the template being say 1.5.

    The display rule would also be called "gravity_wall" for consistency in naming. This display rule would be a vertical type constrained to the point above it on the default template edge detail and would display when the constraint is equal to zero. Using a vertical display rule means you don't need the extra "V_offset_ parametric constraint label. When you place the parametric constraint in your corridor you would key in the label of "gravity_wall" and the values would be 0 at start and 0 at end, thus the display rule solves and the gravity wall would display. Now you would need to setup the gravity wall component with another display rule to turn off the default edge detail. I would call this display rule something like "default_edgedetail" and add this display rule to your gravity wall component as a " AND NOT default_edgedetail".

    You could if you wish also remove your horizontal lines above your edge detail components and add your display rule to your wall component. The reason I do this is that these will display in your 3d views. Yes you could place them on a construction level if you want. 


    If you can't follow all of this upload your template and I will set it up for you just let me know if you are using the examples workspace as in my part of the world we use the ANZ workspace.




  • Using WIDTH_L as an example, the parametric constraint would set start chainage at 100 (say) with WIDTH_L = -3.65 (start value), and end chainage (say) 200 with WIDTH_L = -7.3. This would have the effect of widening the left side of the road over 100m from 3.65 to 7.3m.

  • DSGNRD02.DGN42400945201.itl


    Yeah, I'm having trouble following your explanation.  If you edit my template(s), then I can probably figure out what you're describing.  Attached are my DGN and ITL files.  Please edit the templates named "Ross_Reconst_Bentley" and "Ross_WMR_Bentley", and return to me.  Thanks!

  • Also, can the software recognize any name for a parametric constraint label, or only labels from a  'standardized' list.  If the latter is true, then does Bentley have such a 'standardized' list available?

  • As you edit a template, it creates an internal "Standardize List" It even tries to filter on appropriateness of the list - showing only Slope labels for Slopes, only width labels for widths. (I have occasionally seen this violated, but never investigated or reported it).

    It also allows signed labels - usually created when a component is mirrored. The problem with signed labels is that a label that appears on both the left and right sides of a template share a label using a minus sign to negate a positive value, when modified with a Parametric constraint, it will be applied to both sides. Having a unique name for left and right sides allow an application of a constrained to only one side.

    The Corridor Objects dialog box also supports import and export to CSV files for bulk editing.

    Charles (Chuck) Rheault
    CADD Manager

    MDOT State Highway Administration
    Maryland DOT - State Highway Administration User Communities Page

    • MicroStation user since IGDS, InRoads user since TDP.
    • AutoCAD, Land Desktop and Civil 3D, off and on since 1996