Display All Cross Sections in a Grid

Is there a way to display all cross sections in a grid in a single model rather than splitting them up into a model for each section?

  • While there's no way to do this as easily as I'd like... It is possible to get a single stack of cross-sections for an entire corridor which can then be referenced/merged into a single model alongside other corridors so all your cross-sections are contained in a single file.

    I created a cross-section sheet seed with a tall sheet size but standard width. Now, when I run cross-sections it creates individual drawing models but references all of them into a single sheet model that contains all cross-sections along that corridor. I then manually adjust the sheet model dimensions to trim the excess paper area as needed and plot to PDF which makes it easy to scroll through your corridor. 

  • While there's no way to do this as easily as I'd like... It is possible to get a single stack of cross-sections for an entire corridor which can then be referenced/merged into a single model alongside other corridors so all your cross-sections are contained in a single file.

    I created a cross-section sheet seed with a tall sheet size but standard width. Now, when I run cross-sections it creates individual drawing models but references all of them into a single sheet model that contains all cross-sections along that corridor. I then manually adjust the sheet model dimensions to trim the excess paper area as needed and plot to PDF which makes it easy to scroll through your corridor. 

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