Plan production has halted...

There are some things that ORD is not able to do. No, really. 

Eventually, someone in the trenches is asked to provide additional detail on a plan that ORD has no easy tool for.

Preparing construction plans often requires the labeling of point data of a construction item. In my case, it's a key point called out on ADA ped ramp details.

I can use the analysis tool to analyze a point on an alignment, which has an active profile, and "see" the sta., elev, offset, and slope info, but no way to place

that data in the .dgn for manipulation.

Furthermore, what I need (for possible field use) is Coords of the point, something the analyze tool does not report, to be included for the plan.

I can extract x-y data and place text using the (legacy?) Label Coordinates tool but it fails to recognize the ORD alignment profile connection.

I can't believe I'm the only one who still needs to do this, or who has trouble forming a successful search string to mine the data base here.

Any help? Thanks