Printing Cross Sections

I am using Power InRoads V8i SS4 and have created about 200 cross sections that populated in a temp view group. I used the Sheet preference when creating them. I am at my wits end trying to figure out how to get them all to print to individual pages in one pdf. I have tried using Print Organizer using the print style by defining from shape and defining by cell. All I get is the first XS sheet. Can someone please help me figure out what I am doing wrong? Or is this simple task not available in SS4??

Thank  you, Cheri

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  • Hi I'm having very similar issues. I'm using Power Geopak V8i SS10. Very new user.

    When adding my dgn with cross section layouts in it to the Print organizer I get the message "sheet border" is not a valid level for file.

    I select my print style name and then select manually specified options, go to fence, select define from shape, and then type in the level "sheet border" and I check the "create one print definition for each matching shape"

    Yet, after all this I get nothing added to the print organizer due to "no elements matching the automatic area search criteria"

    Thanks for the help!

  • Double check the spelling of your level - I've typo'd our batch plot level name before.
    Also, doublecheck that your shape is really a closed block. Sometimes a linestring will be placed as a box, but it wasn't closed, so it can't be "found" as a closed element. You can use the "Create Complex Shape" tool with "Simplify Elements" to make it a closed box.


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