Acute3D Mesh Referencing Incorrectly0 in Microstation V8

I'm trying to reference a 3mx file into Microstation. The mesh comes in with Easting and Northing both too large by a factor of 3.281...

Living in North Carolina, I am using the GCS NAD83 EPSG:2264. This GCS is in USft. My microstation drawing and my ContextCapture product are both in this GCS.

I've verified my control points' accuracy in Acute3D viewer and they're spot on. I've imported the ascii file with my ContextCapture GCPs and they are coming in at the correct location.

Why is my mesh referencing in at such an interesting scale factor? (1m=3.281ft)

Parents Reply
  • "mrmesh geoattach" results in the file coming in at the same place as when attaching the file as a traditional reference (off by the factor described in my original post.) In addition to that error, when I use the "mrmesh geoattach" command, the mesh is not visible. The only way I know it's there is by the gray outline tentative selection rectangle that surrounds it. 

    In regard to your other question, my scale is 1.0. When I implement a 1:3.2808 scale, the file comes in pretty close to the Control Points from my text file, but still with some error. 
