Please help with the Profile elevations shifts

Have a profile that the gradients are very steep i want to split the views to fit on the frame..when i set to do not shift the profile, it does not fit on the frame i tried setting to shift at Minor Stations it split the profiles to 2 some of them to 3 which is fine but when i go to annotate it split the annotations also as the that each profile view has its annotation but i have only 9 plan and profile views only but when i want go to annotate the list is added..That annotation options also counts those splited views as part of annotations while i want only a single annotation for a full length profile that has been splited twice or thrice whatever the case but only 1 annotation frame but instead i get multiple annotation frames as seen below.

 i tried annotating 2 of them it looks as seen on the image

and also another profile looks like this annotation option draws the line between them its like there 2 different profiles.

also another it omits some information's  as seen   the band/the vertical geometry annotation row did not finish to the end of the profile

and one of the profile after being annotated also exceeded the superelevation diagram row as seen here

How do i fix this and why is this happening..please help i didn't know that i would come to this situation ,have to submit this to the consultant  after 2 days from this day..if anyone who knows how to fix this please help me.