"Macro"? to place label and set active properties?

I am attempting to use the command "doccenter place label" and have the macro (or command line structure) automatically set the type to "active cell", "cell name" to a particular cell, "dimension Style" to a particular style, "label rotation" to a particular orientation, "start at" to a particular starting point, "horizontal attachment" to a particular type. As well, I would like it to be able to toggle on/ off (automatically) annotation scale, association, and relative associations; that is, to automatically set "Place Label Settings" to set all which I need to set for a particular label to place exactly how I need it to without manually changing any of these attributes. I tried to record a macro to do this, but the only valuable part of the macro is the simple keyin command "doccenter place label" which opens the "Place Label Settings" dialog but defaults to its last known settings. Is such possible and if so, how is it accomplished? I am currently working within ORD R1 2020.
