Tracking - Station / Offset / Elevation

I'm developing some grading sheets in ORD Connect. In V8i I could use the tracking tool and with one click get the Station, Offset, and Elevation of the Surface I needed to put into a call out. Or, I could use the InRoads drafting tools and get the same 3 data fields. Then I would use the Two Point Slope tool in InRoads to get and annotate the slope between two points.

Currently the only way I can find to get the elevation of the surface and the slope is by using the Analyze Between Points (gives me the elevations of both points and the slope between them), and then taking a screen shot of the data so that I can then select the edit tool to manually add the text into a callout.

There has got to be an easier way. I have tried using the Place Label tool, but all I can get out of it is Station and Offset, not Surface Elevation - it just stays zero'd.

What I want is a Place Label option that spits out the Station, Offset, and Elevation (surface). And, another one that annotates the slope between two points.

Is there such a thing in ORD Connect?

Thanks in advance.