Switching from Inroads SS2 to Inroads SS10

I've been slowly trying to learn how to use Inroads SS10 after having used Inroads SS2 for several years. I'm struggling with getting some things to work in practice. Most of the time I feel like what I need to do is on the tip of my finger so to speak. But I'm bouncing between the Bentley LearnServer and various Youtube videos and I feel like I'm not finding the information efficiently. 

I'm primarily doing basic road grading (basic as in not major highways but the roads do have some grading variations) and site grading (sloped "pads", stockpiles, misc). 

My question (bit of a discussion too I suppose), is what others have used to learn and what they can recommend. I think the two main parts I need help on are setting up the styles/settings and then actually using the newer SS10 tools. 

  1. Stick with the Bentley LearnServer?
  2. Any good books to purchase that cover the whole process?
  3. Youtube channels? - I doubt there is one channel out there that has as much as the LearnServer but I have found some good standalone videos.
  4. I am also curious what 3rd party can provide paid training on this subject. 

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.