Label driveway slopes in cross sections (XS)

What's the best practice for labeling driveway slopes in XS's (see below on right side of road)

I model terrains for each driveway, is there something I can include in the terrain that the annotation group can grab?

I'm new to ORD and may be missing something simple...



  • I have similar task, with no idea ho to fix it for now. In the intersection area, or close to the slip roads nose I am using terrain + surface templates. XS will not recognize these areas as segments - rather two independent points. I tried to configure XS annotation definition to annotate slope between such points but with no success. I gues it is because XS Text Favourite that labels slopes works on segments.

    I wonder if we can define segments in other way than by templates, eg point names or feature definitions. Then both cases would be easly solved: my with intersections and yours with driveways.

    I hope someone can help with this.





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