Survey Point "Decorations" written to graphics

I have my survey points displayed in the "live" survey drawing showing Point Number, Elevation, Description, Notes.

Now I need to create graphics of these for every point in my drawing (and future drawings).

i have watched a video showing the creation of some graphics for one Control Point which appears to hard-wire the code, N, E, EL.

This is probably where I need to be going with this, but the example is for one control point and different pieces.

I am on Projectwise, and boot my drawing such that the state created "things" appear, sort of replicating the many "things" that were shown in the video.

There appears to be an Annotation Group Plan/Point/Survey/ "All Points Label" which sounds like a thing that might create labels for all the points?

There is also an Annotation Definition Plan/Point/ "Survey Topo Point Label" which sounds like a thing that might create labels for all the points?

Then I find an Element Template with Survey Features and a thing called "Survey Topo Label" which sounds like a thing that might create labels for all the points?

Then I find a Text Favorite called "Survey Topo Point Label" which looks like a hard-wired Code, N, E, EL for one specific point from some survey by the state.

So now that I'm totally confused by all these things, I'd like to be able to somehow get a graphic replica of the "Decorations" of my points (all the points) from my 'live" drawing.

Somehow it seems that Text Favorite needs to be generalized to write out the Point Number, Elevation, description, notes for any/all points imported to the drawing.

Seeing that the state has done some of the setup for this, I'd like to understand how all the "things" need to be (pointing to the next thing) but somehow get the pieces of the "decorations" applied as graphics.

Attached is a screen shot of the many "things" that maybe point to each other and maybe get close to this end, but I'm looking for labels for all the points, not just one "EOGRVL" point from some survey.

Is it even possible in ORD to get graphics for all points from a survey?

  • I'm in Michigan with a heavily customized MDOT workspace and I could not get this to work no matter what I tried. I needed something incredibly simple (printed elevations of a sidewalk ramp for an ADA compliance discussion). Ultimately, I just ended up using the Civil Labeler tool with multi-selection, selecting all of my survey points and laying down the labels at once.

    Sometimes I really wonder about Bentley. The "solution" seems to demonstrate that they don't actually understand their users' needs. It should not be that complicated to display/print spot elevations. Just have an option to make the decorations static (or to automatically convert them to labels). It's not rocket science. I really want to like Bentley over Autodesk but it's hard sometimes since this would be a 20 second operation in AutoCAD.

  • I'm in Michigan with a heavily customized MDOT workspace and I could not get this to work no matter what I tried. I needed something incredibly simple (printed elevations of a sidewalk ramp for an ADA compliance discussion). Ultimately, I just ended up using the Civil Labeler tool with multi-selection, selecting all of my survey points and laying down the labels at once.

    Sometimes I really wonder about Bentley. The "solution" seems to demonstrate that they don't actually understand their users' needs. It should not be that complicated to display/print spot elevations. Just have an option to make the decorations static (or to automatically convert them to labels). It's not rocket science. I really want to like Bentley over Autodesk but it's hard sometimes since this would be a 20 second operation in AutoCAD.
