How to reference 3MX file created in ContextCapture into ConceptStation in the correct location/elevation.

I created a 3MX file in ContextCapture using a drone flight. The issue I am currently having is that once I reference it into ConceptStation it appears to fall in the correct location but not the correct elevation. (as seen in picture).


  • Hi Adan

    Most likely the issue is the images are referencing the wrong vertical reference. In contextCapture you have to choose or verify the vertical reference. Most drone imagery is geotagged based on the GPS position .. the Z value can either be set as "sea level" (geoid) or to ellipsoid height. You must set this on import of the images. after you import your imagery, at the bottom of the screen you will see a notice on how the data is being referenced. If it is incorrect you can change this. You cannot change it after you begin working on the block (AT, placing GCP ect). HTH


    Michael Barkasi

    Application Engineer 

    Reality Modeling

  • Mike,

    Thank you for the help. I checked and it states that the GPS altitude has been interpreted using "Sea Level". Does this need to be modified or left as is? 

  • I am not sure as I am unfamiliar with the location elevations and I do not have your imagery... you can change it (be sure to note in which reference you used .. then re-run AT... after AT completes go to the 3d view and use the measurement commands to extract a spot elevation on the splat... compare it to the ground height in Conceptstation... Typically non rtk UAVs could be off 1-2 meters also consider the USGS surface from Conceptstation also has limited accuracy

    Michael Barkasi

    Application Engineer 

    Reality Modeling