[OpenRoads 10.10] Graphics Group in OpenRoads

Hello everybody,
any tips how to delete all annotation elements in one graphics group in OpenRoads? It seems graphics group is not working as well as I know it in MicroStation.
We need to delete all annotation elements, which come from one Annotation Group, but it is not possible.
Example: I annotate my centerline by Annotation group included in Feature Definition (for example stationing of horizontal controls points). Then I use Element Annotation command for annotation of stationing of regular points. Then I need to delete some of previous annotations, but all elements, not only one text element of them. How to do? Delete command doesn't work.
I think the graphics group is answer (because all annotated elements are in one graphics group), but Delete command doesn't work for these annotation group elements.



OpenRoads 10.10

Parents Reply Children
  • Yes, exactly. As I know it is behaviour from the first ORD version.

  • Hi Josef,

    As far as I know, these are not Graphic Groups, but Named Groups that are hidden somehow. I have a VBA macro that I created that does exactly what you are trying to do - i will share tomorrow if you need some sample code.

    I would suggest you put a ticket in to log this as an enhancement as it is definitely needed. At least having these Named Groups visible in the Named Group dialog would be very powerful and allow the users to not have to completely reannotate everything when one annotation group instance needs to be removed and reannotated.



    OpenRoads Designer 2023  |  Microstation 2023.2  |  ProjectWise 2023

  • Hi Mark,

    Thanks for quick answer and solution. I will create SR. The macro is not problem, good idea. I will try to do it, hope it will work. Named group you say, hmm.

  • Hi Josef,

    You can rename the attached txt file to .bas and import into the mvba editor.

    There are 3 subroutines, selectAnno, deleteAnno, deleteAnnoAll - the first will select all elements that match the currently selected elements Annotation Group instance, the second will do the same but delete all of them in the current model, and the third will cycle through all Drawing models in the current DGN and delete all elements created in the same Annotation Group instance.


    Attribute VB_Name = "DeleteCivilAnno"
    '   VBA Macro to delete selected Annotation groups from Drawing Models - by M. Shamoun (18/07/21)
    Sub selectAnno()
        Dim oScanEnumerator As ElementEnumerator, oScanEnumerator0 As ElementEnumerator, ph As PropertyHandler
        Dim oGroupName As String, ph0 As PropertyHandler, oElement As Element, oSelected As Element, oModel As ModelReference
        If ActiveModelReference.Type = msdModelTypeDrawing Then
            If ActiveModelReference.AnyElementsSelected = False Then
                CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                ShowMessage "ERROR - No elements selected", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                GoTo finish
                Set oScanEnumerator0 = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements
                Set oSelected = oScanEnumerator0.Current
                If oSelected.ModelReference.IsAttachment = False And oSelected.ModelReference.Name = ActiveModelReference.Name Then
                    Set ph0 = CreatePropertyHandler(oSelected)
                    If ph0.SelectByAccessString("Groups[0].Description") = True Then
                        oSearch = InStr(ph0.GetDisplayString, "\")
                        oGroupName = Left(ph0.GetDisplayString, oSearch)
                        If ph0.GetDisplayString = "" Then
                            CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                            ShowMessage "ERROR - Selected element is not Civil Annotation", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                            GoTo finish
                        End If
                        CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                        ShowMessage "ERROR - Selected element is not Civil Annotation", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                        GoTo finish
                    End If
                    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                    ShowMessage "ERROR - Only elements in active model can be used for this tool", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                    GoTo finish
                End If
                Set oScanEnumerator = ActiveModelReference.Scan
                Do While oScanEnumerator.MoveNext
                    Set oElement = oScanEnumerator.Current
                    countTot = countTot + 1
                    Set ph = CreatePropertyHandler(oElement)
                    If oElement.IsGraphical = True And oElement.ModelReference.Name = ActiveModelReference.Name And oElement.ModelReference.IsAttachment = False Then
                        If ph.SelectByAccessString("Groups[0].Description") = True Then
                            oSearch = InStr(ph.GetDisplayString, "\")
                            oNew = Left(ph.GetDisplayString, oSearch)
                            If oNew = oGroupName Then
                                ActiveModelReference.SelectElement oElement
                                count = count + 1
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                If count > 0 Then
                    ShowMessage CStr(count) + " element(s) selected in active model", , msdMessageCenterPriorityInfo
                    ShowMessage "No associated Civil Annotation found in active model", , msdMessageCenterPriorityWarning, True
                End If
            End If
            CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
            ShowMessage "ERROR - Tool can only be run in a Drawing model", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
        End If
        GoTo finish
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Sub deleteAnno()
        Dim oScanEnumerator As ElementEnumerator, oScanEnumerator0 As ElementEnumerator, ph As PropertyHandler
        Dim oGroupName As String, ph0 As PropertyHandler, oElement As Element, oSelected As Element, oModel As ModelReference
        If ActiveModelReference.Type = msdModelTypeDrawing Then
            If ActiveModelReference.AnyElementsSelected = False Then
                CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                ShowMessage "ERROR - No elements selected", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                GoTo finish
                Set oScanEnumerator0 = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements
                Set oSelected = oScanEnumerator0.Current
                If oSelected.ModelReference.IsAttachment = False And oSelected.ModelReference.Name = ActiveModelReference.Name Then
                    Set ph0 = CreatePropertyHandler(oSelected)
                    If ph0.SelectByAccessString("Groups[0].Description") = True Then
                        oSearch = InStr(ph0.GetDisplayString, "\")
                        oGroupName = Left(ph0.GetDisplayString, oSearch)
                        If ph0.GetDisplayString = "" Then
                            CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                            ShowMessage "ERROR - Selected element is not Civil Annotation", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                            GoTo finish
                        End If
                        CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                        ShowMessage "ERROR - Selected element is not Civil Annotation", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                        GoTo finish
                    End If
                    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                    ShowMessage "ERROR - Only elements in active model can be used for this tool", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                    GoTo finish
                End If
                Set oScanEnumerator = ActiveModelReference.Scan
                Do While oScanEnumerator.MoveNext
                    Set oElement = oScanEnumerator.Current
                    countTot = countTot + 1
                    Set ph = CreatePropertyHandler(oElement)
                    If oElement.IsGraphical = True And oElement.ModelReference.Name = ActiveModelReference.Name And oElement.ModelReference.IsAttachment = False Then
                        If ph.SelectByAccessString("Groups[0].Description") = True Then
                            oSearch = InStr(ph.GetDisplayString, "\")
                            oNew = Left(ph.GetDisplayString, oSearch)
                            If oNew = oGroupName Then
                                ActiveModelReference.RemoveElement oElement
                                count = count + 1
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                If count > 0 Then
                    ShowMessage CStr(count) + " annotation element(s)  deleted from active Drawing model." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine + "Removed Annotation Group: " + vbNewLine + Left(ph0.GetDisplayString, oSearch - 1), , msdMessageCenterPriorityInfo, True
                    ShowMessage "No associated Civil Annotation found in any Drawing models", , msdMessageCenterPriorityWarning, True
                End If
            End If
            CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
            ShowMessage "ERROR - Tool can only be run in a Drawing model", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
        End If
        GoTo finish
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Sub deleteAnnoAll()
        Dim oScanEnumerator As ElementEnumerator, oScanEnumerator0 As ElementEnumerator, ph As PropertyHandler
        Dim oGroupName As String, ph0 As PropertyHandler, oElement As Element, oSelected As Element, oModel As ModelReference
        If ActiveModelReference.Type = msdModelTypeDrawing Then
            For Each oModel In ActiveDesignFile.Models
                If oModel.Type = msdModelTypeDrawing Then
                    countDrawings = countDrawings + 1
                End If
            If ActiveModelReference.AnyElementsSelected = False Then
                CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                ShowMessage "ERROR - No elements selected", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                GoTo finish
                Set oScanEnumerator0 = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements
                Set oSelected = oScanEnumerator0.Current
                If oSelected.ModelReference.IsAttachment = False And oSelected.ModelReference.Name = ActiveModelReference.Name Then
                    Set ph0 = CreatePropertyHandler(oSelected)
                    If ph0.SelectByAccessString("Groups[0].Description") = True Then
                        oSearch = InStr(ph0.GetDisplayString, "\")
                        oGroupName = Left(ph0.GetDisplayString, oSearch)
                        If ph0.GetDisplayString = "" Then
                            CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                            ShowMessage "ERROR - Selected element is not Civil Annotation", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                            GoTo finish
                        End If
                        CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                        ShowMessage "ERROR - Selected element is not Civil Annotation", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                        GoTo finish
                    End If
                    CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                    ShowMessage "ERROR - Only elements in active model can be used for this tool", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
                    GoTo finish
                End If
                ' Save current model name
                currMod = ActiveModelReference.Name
                ' Cycle through models and delete matching annotation group elements
                For Each oModel In ActiveDesignFile.Models
                    If oModel.Type = msdModelTypeDrawing Then
                        totmodels = totmodels + 1
                        count1 = 0
                        Set oScanEnumerator = oModel.Scan
                        oRun = 1
                        ShowTempMessage msdStatusBarAreaMiddle, "Processing Drawing model " + CStr(totmodels) + " of " + CStr(countDrawings) + "..."
                        Do While oScanEnumerator.MoveNext
                            Set oElement = oScanEnumerator.Current
                            countTot = countTot + 1
                            If oElement.IsGraphical = True And oElement.ModelReference.Name = ActiveModelReference.Name And oElement.ModelReference.IsAttachment = False Then
                                Set ph = CreatePropertyHandler(oElement)
                                If ph.SelectByAccessString("Groups[0].Description") = True Then
                                    oSearch = ""
                                    oSearch = InStr(ph.GetDisplayString, "\")
                                    oNew = Left(ph.GetDisplayString, oSearch)
                                    If StrComp(oNew, oGroupName, vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
                                        oModel.RemoveElement oElement
                                        count = count + 1
                                        count1 = count + 1
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        If count1 > 0 Then
                            countMod = countMod + 1
                        End If
                    End If
                    Set oElement = Nothing
                    Set oModel = Nothing
                    Set oScanEnumerator = Nothing
                ' Return to original model
                CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
                If count > 0 Then
                    ShowMessage CStr(count) + " total annotation element(s)  deleted from " + CStr(countMod) + " Drawing models." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine + "Removed Annotation Group: " + vbNewLine + Left(ph0.GetDisplayString, oSearch - 1), , msdMessageCenterPriorityInfo, True
                    ShowMessage "No associated Civil Annotation found in any Drawing models", , msdMessageCenterPriorityWarning, True
                End If
            End If
            CadInputQueue.SendCommand "beep"
            ShowMessage "ERROR - Tool can only be run in a Drawing model", , msdMessageCenterPriorityError, True
        End If
        GoTo finish
        Exit Sub
    End Sub



    OpenRoads Designer 2023  |  Microstation 2023.2  |  ProjectWise 2023

  • Hi Mark,
    it seems excelent and I appreciate, that you are sharing it.
    Thanks a lot.