ORD 2021 R1 - Fonts changing in cell library

My company has been using ORD for a couple of years and we are not completely setup with everything. We have an upcoming submission where we need to display existing utilities on cross sections and profiles. What we are currently doing is creating cells for our utilities and placing them manually on the profiles & cross sections. We do have an existing drainage model developed so we can get the proper locations to show on the profiles so we can just select the proper cell & place it in the correct location.

I created our cells which consist of an ellipse and a note with leader. The note is placed using the Place Note tool and a predetermined text & dimension style. The text for the note is using a True Type font, in this case, Engineering Regular. The font was supplied to us by PennDOT. The cells were created in Microstation CONNECT U16 and everything works as expected placing the cell in a file.

I just had a colleague contact me stating that some of the cells are developed using a different font. This user is working with ORD 2021 R1 and placing the cells in the profiles. When he places the cells some of them are using Arial TTF.

I opened the cell library using Microstation CONNECT and verified that all of the fonts for all of the models making up the cell library were using the correct Engineering Regular TTF. I instructed the user to reattach the cell library (we use ProjectWise for this project and the cell libraries were updated after some of the cells were placed). He reattached the library and still had the issue of some cells using the Arial TTF. We then had a conference call and I opened CONNECT once again. I opened a profile which he had not worked on up to this point and placed cells from the same cell library he was using and al cells came in using the correct Engineering Regular TTF.

Then I opened my profile in ORD 2021 R1 and opened the cell library only to find that when I placed the same cells the Arial font was being used. Then I opened the cell library with ORD and the fonts were now using Airal TTF.

Both programs are using the same managed workspace so I am not sure what is causing this issue. What can I check?

  • Can you post a sample of the two dgn files?  One with the correct font and one with the changed font.  May need to see the cell library too.

    I assume the Font.rsc files are the same for both.

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  • I believe I found the issue. I believe the root of the problem was caused by our cell libraries not being branded to a workspace/workset so the files are opening with No Workspace/Workset. The TTF being used for the text is pointed to via the workspace/workset. Obviously, if the cell library is being loaded without the proper workspace/workset the font is not found and Microstation/ORD replaces the font with Arial.

    That being said, the confusion was caused because a lot of times when I am working on cell libraries I will open a working file within a project (branded to a workspace/workset) where I will right-click on a cell in the Cell dialog and select "Open for Editing". At that point the cell model opens and retains the current workspace/workset so the desired font is available. Now, switching back to the working file the cell shows correctly because the working file is looking at the local copy of the cell library which is branded to the current workspace/workset. The copy within PW, once the file is checked back in, does not have access to the correct TTF as it has no workspace/worset branded, or does it? Reloading the cell library by navigating to the PW file the fonts are not showing correctly for some of the cells while others are. I have a theory, and it could be a well know fact that I am not aware of, that models within 1 .dgn file can have different worksets. I need to open a another cell library, as I have others with this issue, to look at the model properties to see if this is true. In one way it does not make sense, but if you have a firm that has discipline specific worksets and one model using something like a roadway workset, then a drainage model in the same file uses a drainage workset, it makes sense. But, that can cause a lot of confusion if that format is not realized.

    Anyhow, I came to this revelation because I opened the cell library directly through PW this morning where I received the message that the FD_C1 workset (which is for the project I am working on) is not found. I opened the file with no workset so the TTF was not available. This lead me to go back to the Cell directory in PW and add a configuration block to define our Client workspace/workset be used for the cell library file. Then I was able to open the cell library directly through PW and have access to the required TTF. I made the changes required, check the file into PW. I opened a working file in CONNECT and verified the cells were correct. I had placed some cell from the previous version in this file that were showing the wrong font. I used the "Replace Cell" and selected the cells and they updated to show the correct font. Then I opened an ORD file and verified the cells were correct. 

    So the entire problem was due to the cell library not being associated to a workspace/workset. The fonts were supplied by the DOT. So the issue is resolved.

    BTW, this was not specific to ORD. I found the issue presented itself this morning in CONNECT.

    Microstation CONNECT -

    ORD - 2021 R1

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