Civil AccuDraw Origin now works with AccuDraw origin!!

with reference to this bentley wiki post. 

Video: Accudraw - Set Origin Keyboard shortcut - OpenRoads | OpenSite Wiki - OpenRoads | OpenSite - Bentley Communities

we had set up sub-keys so that we can set the origin for accudraw and civil accudraw.

BUT i just tested in ORD 10.9 and ORD 10.10. and it looks like the behavior of the Civil Set Origin (civilcoord setorigin) now works with regular accudraw as the accudraw setorigin. 

So it looks like we not longer need to have sub keys.

i did not check ORD 10.8, but i have no idea how long this has been like this in the software.

anyone confirm the same findings? what version of ORD this happened in?