[ORD] DU 2D Cell Orientation Questions

We are working on our ORD Workspace and one area that needed work was our 2D Storm Drain Structures cell library. There had been reports of some cells not displaying using the correct rotation.

As I went through the cells, I found few that were 180 degrees from most of the other cells. By this, I mean that the red, dashed construction line for most cells pointed up along the Y axis. There were three or four that pointed down.

The orientation of the structure was equally rotated. If a cell was a curb opening inlet or a grate along a gutter pan, the entire inlet looked upside down compared to other similar inlets. Rotating the entire model by 180 degrees around xy=0,0 made them point in the same direction as all the other cells.

Additionally, a small number of Manhole cells were pointing along the positive X axis.

Are these orientations important to the software? If not, for the sake of consistency, should I care?

Thanks for any input.