Annotating drainage using Item Types [2022 R1]

I wanted to create a new property (text field) for my drainage conduits that I could use for annotation.  The method that Bentley is pushing is the use of Item Types, rather than UDXs.  This does make annotation of drainage elements in reference files easier.  However, there were a lot of problems with using Item Types with drainage, even through 2021 R1.  But, we were told that these problems had been resolved with 2022 R1.  Unfortunately, no.  Turns out that text favorites will not read the item type values for drainage conduits.  I submitted an SR and Bentley confirmed it's a bug.  I would think such a basic function like that would have been caught by even a limited testing/QC effort, especially considering the long troubled history of annotation of drainage over the years.

Some day, we will be making regular trips to visit people working on Mars.  And ORD will still be having problems annotating drainage.

Thank you for your patience with my rant.