Inroads Dialog box

Help I have lost my (old) Inroads dialogbox. I have got the function where inroads is integreated with microstation how do I get my Inroads dialog back

  • Anders,

    Did you hide the Explorer? Try Right Click > Explorer Show/Hide.

    If that does not work then you may have the explorer in a pixel location that is off of your screen. This can be corrected byt deleting the registry entry for the explorer location.



    This is a test

  • I have InRoads v8i SS2 loaded and do not see the Right Click option to 'Explorer Show/Hide'  is something that must be enabled in the Right Click menu.  MicroStation v8i SS2 / InRoads v8i SS2.

    Mike Longstreet
    Vermont Agency of Transportation
    Civil Engineering Technical Support
    VTCAD Help

  • I found it.  Initially to Hide the InRoads Exploer you need to use the MicroStation Main Menue > Applications > InRoads Group > Tools > Exploerer Show/Hide.  Then once hidden the MicroStation Right Click "Exploer Show/Hide' is displayed.

    Mike Longstreet
    Vermont Agency of Transportation
    Civil Engineering Technical Support
    VTCAD Help

  • In addition to this Explorer Show/Hide, the issue could also be the dialog is pushed off the screen or outside of the resolution.

    The position of the dialogs is stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bentley\InRoadsGroup\Applications\Version 8.11\DialogPos.  When the you move a dialog, the new dialog position should be stored under this location if the user has Write privileges to the Registry.  The next time the dialog is activated it should appear in the same position as it was previously.

    Note that it is not recommended to make edits to the Registry but if you do, be very careful.  You can close out of the product and delete this DialogPos to reset the position of all menu dialogs.  The reload the product and the dialog should be reset to the default position.

    For more information about the Road and Site design tools, visit the Road and Site design WIKI at:

  • Unfortunately, the options presented above did not work for me. 

    I manually loaded inRoads via the MDL App, I could see inRoads toolbars that were not docked to the inRoads explorer interface, but I could not see the explorer window itself. 

    I did the long right-click and then select Explorer Show/Hide, nothing happened.

    I tried editing the Windows Registry (regedit) and deleting the DialogPos folder and restarting the computer.

    I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling inRoads, to no avail.

    My IT Department was scratching their heads.

    I ended up writing an AutoHotkey script that found the window and then moved/resized it.

    DetectHiddenWindows, On
    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    WinGet, fx, ID, Bentley InRoads Suite V8i (SELECTseries 2)
    WinShow, ahk_id %fx%
    	WinX := 800
    	WinY := 800
    	WinW := 800
    	WinH := 800
    	WinMove, ahk_pid %fx%,,%WinX%,%WinY%,%WinW%,%WinH%

  • Unfortunately, the options presented above did not work for me. 

    I manually loaded inRoads via the MDL App, I could see inRoads toolbars that were not docked to the inRoads explorer interface, but I could not see the explorer window itself. 

    I did the long right-click and then select Explorer Show/Hide, nothing happened.

    I tried editing the Windows Registry (regedit) and deleting the DialogPos folder and restarting the computer.

    I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling inRoads, to no avail.

    My IT Department was scratching their heads.

    I ended up writing an AutoHotkey script that found the window and then moved/resized it.

    DetectHiddenWindows, On
    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    WinGet, fx, ID, Bentley InRoads Suite V8i (SELECTseries 2)
    WinShow, ahk_id %fx%
    	WinX := 800
    	WinY := 800
    	WinW := 800
    	WinH := 800
    	WinMove, ahk_pid %fx%,,%WinX%,%WinY%,%WinW%,%WinH%

  • It's usually not a good idea to post to very old threads. However, I have on occasion found that using the Cascade Windows menu on the taskbar's right-click menu will sometimes bring all dialog boxes into one or more screens. If you can get focus on a dialog box,  Alt+spacebar will open the control menu. Pressing M for move and then selecting one of the arrow keys will make the active windows hang on your mouse cursor. I've managed to use that sometimes too.

    Charles (Chuck) Rheault
    CADD Manager

    MDOT State Highway Administration
    Maryland DOT - State Highway Administration User Communities Page

    • MicroStation user since IGDS, InRoads user since TDP.
    • AutoCAD, Land Desktop and Civil 3D, off and on since 1996
  • @caddcop Thanks for the reply, since this is a piece of older software (2010-2012) most people probably aren't using this version as much, in my opinion starting a new thread didn't make sense. I'm posting an alternative solution (to a very old problem, only that it hadn't happened to me until now) that worked for me after trying all of the prior solutions and still couldn't find inRoads explorer.

    Yes, although I didn't mention in my post above, I did try right-clicking on the Windows taskbar and selecting "cascade windows" as well. I also tried from Microstation menu bar, Window -> Cascade. Neither did the trick. A real stumper until I got that autokey script working.

    I still don't have an explainable reason why I had this issue on my computer yesterday and this morning.