Enable/Disable Civil Products From Within MicroStation

Product(s):InRoads, MX, GEOPAK
Area: Basic Settings
Original Author:Jacquelyn Pettus, Bentley Technical Support Group



Why can I no longer launch or close InRoads, GEOPAK or MX from inside MicroStation?


Due to the increasing integration of the civil commands with MicroStation, there are a number of files that must be loaded at the time MicroStation is launched in order for the products to load properly.  For this reason, it is no longer possible to launch MicroStation alone and then launch InRoads/GEOPAK/MX. 

Additionally, this change simplifies and clarifies when and how often civil product license usage is reported.  This modification eliminates some of the ambiguity that may have occurred in the past when activating/deactivating the products within the same MicroStation session.