Creating a standard sign


How do I create a standard sign in OpenRoads SignCAD?

Answer: Use the Standard Sign Panel tool to create the panel, add the object(s) to the panel and adjust the object spacing/alignment as needed.

Below are instructions for creating the D5-2a Rest Area Gore sign in the 42x48 size shown in the Federal 2012 Supplement to the 2004 Edition.

1) In OpenRoads SignCAD, pick File>New and select Units of Measure: English and Standard: U.S. 2009. Press OK.

2) Pick the Standard Sign icon (yellow diamond) on the toolbar.

3) Left click on the workspace to bring up the Standard Sign Panel dialog. Use the values shown below and press OK to create the panel.

4) From the Preferences menu, set the Text Size = 8 and the Text Font = D. Press the <caps lock> key on the keyboard since the text in the sign is all uppercase.

5) Pick the Text tool and left click in the panel to position the text cursor. Type: REST<enter>AREA<enter>.

6) Pick the Standard Arrow icon, hover over the sign and left click below the text when the blinking rectangle appears. In the Standard Arrow dialog, set the Angle = 30, Size = 3.75 and press OK.

7) The D5-2a sign details specify a 10" arrowhead width (L) and 18" length (K). Right click on the standard arrow and pick Edit Data. In the Standard Arrow dialog box, change the Size = Custom. In the Custom Standard Arrow dialog, change the Head Width = 10 and Length = 18 and press OK to both dialogs.

8) The vertical spacing on the sign needs to be changed to match the D5-2a sign details. Right click on AREA and pick Object Spacing. Change the Bottom spacing = 5 and press OK. To achieve a 6" space from the top of the panel to REST, right click on the arrow and pick Object Spacing. Change the Bottom spacing = 3.75 and press OK.

9) Save the file (File>Save As).