ProStructures Templates and Styles

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 Area: ProStructures Templates & Styles
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 Original Author:Gernot Jeromin
Product Advantage Group

Welcome to our WIKI page for ProStructures to find, download and share Detail Styles and other files.

The WIKI is organized as follow:

Each Style contains a basic description or just example pictures and a download link.
In general the ZIP file for download includes multiple files:

Please keep in mind that sometimes the style alone will not create the show result by 100%.
There are additional settings to be taken care of as well, i.e. Text Styles, Dimension Styles, Position Flag Templates ...

If the attached files has been downloaded, it has to be unzipped and the .STX file can be copied to the appropriate folder.
Here an example for a Detail Style for ProSteel for MicroStation, imperial units:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProStructures\V8i_S6\MicroStation ...\Localised\USA_Canada\Styles\DetailStyles\Imperial

The files can be located anywhere else as well, in Detail Center just select the folder when the Style should be loaded.

Please feel free to send us any feedback, upload your files or if you can't upload anything, please send us your files that we can take care about it.

Happy Sharing,

Gernot Jeromin
Bentley Systems