Peer Types in Model Administrator

Hello, all

I have a question about the peer-type relationships in Bentley Utilities Designer. I know it is possible because I’ve seen it in the example electric data model but I have problems with setting a new relationship between two primary features.

Actually I have tried to set one ParentChild peer type in the Peer Types spreadsheet in the MA as you can see in the screenshot below.


Then in the FeatureRelationships spreadsheet I assigned the new peer-type to the features Pole and File where the Pole is the parent and the File is the child as you can see in the screenshot below.

The idea is to be able to attach multiple files to the Pole feature (drawings; other documents, etc.) using the File feature. But because I need to attach files to other primary features as well I want to use a single primary feature File which I can use with all of them instead of creating subfeatures for every single one of them.

But when I open the software in the Edit dialogue of the parent feature (the Pole) in tab Files I am unable to add a new File feature as you can see in the screenshot below. So my question is how to add the ‘Add’ command in the context menu in the tab Files as it’s implemented for example for the Conduit Route in the BUDELEC data module.

  • Hi Nikolay,
    I don't see the screen shot of the editor. Could you add that? Does it not show the tab you need, or do you not get the "Add" context menu?
    I do notice that the relationship is set to be compound = "Yes" (column F) which I think is not what you want. Compound relationships are those in which multiple relationships combine to represent the hierarchy of features (for example conduit elements within other elements, but all contained within a single conduit route). In fact, I think that this may be why the relationship is not behaving as you expect.


    This is a test

  • Hi Mike
    Thank you so much for your response. You were right, part of the problem was the value in the Compound column. I still don't quite understand the idea of the compound relationships, but whatever.
    I changed the value to No and in the Editor I get a context menu with Add option but then it allows me only to add existing feature. I didn’t mention it before but the geometry type of the File feature is DATA. Our idea is to create a File feature via the other features to which it is defined as a child in the peer-type relationship. Now I can add an existing File to the Pole but I need to add a new one via the context menu. How can I do that?

  • Hi Mike
    Thank you so much for your response. You were right, part of the problem was the value in the Compound column. I still don't quite understand the idea of the compound relationships, but whatever.
    I changed the value to No and in the Editor I get a context menu with Add option but then it allows me only to add existing feature. I didn’t mention it before but the geometry type of the File feature is DATA. Our idea is to create a File feature via the other features to which it is defined as a child in the peer-type relationship. Now I can add an existing File to the Pole but I need to add a new one via the context menu. How can I do that?

  • Hi Nikolay,

    Your objective is to provide a document/file link (e.g., your File feature) to an asset feature (e.g., your Pole feature) in which this document/file may be linked to multiple features.

    Utilization of a peer relationship when not in the conduit model requires both features being associated to have a geometry. A product enhancement is required for this scenario.

    Until this enhancement is provided, you have the following options:

    1. Define a geometry on the “File” feature, which is likely not a reasonable option because this “File” feature is not conducive to a spatial location and may be related to several poles.

    2. Add a hyperlink property to the Pole feature (FeatureAttributes worksheet, column Y ExternalLink value = 1), in which the file definition is stored on a pole and is accessible from the Pole’s feature editor (examples are found in the BentleyWasteWater Modeling Administrator spreadsheet).

    In the case a Pole may have more than one File association, you can either provide FileProperty1, FileProperty2, FileProperty3, etc. properties on the Pole … Or, define a Pole-File child/sub-feature having one file property, such that the root/parent Pole Feature may have multiple Pole-File sub-features.

    I hope this information helps …

    Thanks, Rodney

    This is a test

    Answer Verified By: Nikolay Tsonev