Multi Tag Datasheet

Trying to create a multi-tag datasheet and have followed the online training and help files. 

I have named the vertical range of unmerged cells as _TAG_NO

When I try and allocate more than one tag I get an error message saying the sheet does not have multiple cells defined for tag numbers

What am I missing?

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  • Enrique,

    When you build the multi-tag datasheet make sure the following:

    1. The multi-tag cells are vertical and are not merged cells.

    2. Select the vertical rows and assign them the name with a double underscore and then the name such as __TAG_NO.

    Try these two options should resolve the issue.  For an example search in the base project standards datasheet template for Thermocouple and Thermowells.xls.  This is one example we ship of a multi-tag datasheet.

    If we need to we can take this offline and setup a meeting to review this.

    Thanks so much,

    Brandon Moberg