Use macros with Insert by Device ID command

Recently we have been exploring the Insert by Device ID command.  Using a oneline we can insert the cooresponding 3d model.  This could be a very powerful tool for us as is but, with the ability to insert a macro with this command would be amazing.  I know withing the parts database there is a field for "Macro Name".  I was hoping when I put a name there that when I tried to insert that part number it would prompt for macro or symbol.  We provide macros that have mostly everything needed to insert a piece of equipment and would be nice if the users could use the insert by device ID to bring those in.  Any suggestions?

  • I see a "Macro_List" field in the parts database but no "Macro Name" field. The "Macro_List" field is used for the Graphical Parts List feature, not Insert By Device ID.

    I understand the benefit you're envisioning. But I'm not sure the request is feasible. As you know, Insert Symbol By Device ID allows you to insert another symbol for a device, usually in a different mode. The symbols are then linked, so to speak. If you could insert a single line symbol, then insert a macro by device ID, how would the software know what item in the macro should be linked to the single line symbol?

  • You are correct it is "Macro_List". I was hoping it functioned like the "Single_Line_Symbol" field where whatever symbol I assign is the one BSUB brings in when that part number is selected.

    Good point on the linking. That is why I was hoping to assign the macro to the main part number. The main part number within the macro, being for instance a circuit breaker, would get the link to the single line symbol because the part number within the database was assigned that macro. Our macros are main part specific. We take a piece of equipment and add all the grounding, foundation, etc. to it. None of which would even need to link to another mode symbol.
  • Donnie, please let me know if I understand this request correctly.

    The main part number would call out the macro name in the Symbol_3D_Layout field, or possibly a new field to be added. The part number is assigned to the device in the project, to the symbol in Single Line Mode or other mode. While in 3D Layout Mode, would like to be able to use the Insert Symbol By Device ID or a similar new tool to select the device from a list and insert the appropriate macro for it. The appropriate macro is determined by the software according to the macro name specified in the primary part number assigned to symbol(s) for the device already placed in the project (like how the appropriate symbol is determined for Insert Symbol By Device ID currently). If a symbol in the macro has the primary part number assigned, it will receive the same device ID as the device selected when inserting the macro and be linked accordingly. Other symbols in the macro would receive device IDs according to the convention specified in Project Options.

    The symbols in the macro that do not have the primary part number assigned still need device IDs and typically have part numbers assigned before or after the macro is created (these are true devices that need to appear on reports), correct?

    Did I miss anything?

  • This sounds like you are on the right track. When you insert a macro now it gives you a chance to fill out all id's. That would still be fine because really the main part number is the one we want linked. All other parts really are just needed in a BOM and not linked. You say a new tool, something like "Insert Macro by device ID" would be great. Like you said if there was a field to assign a macro to a main part number that would work great. Thanks.
  • This has been given enhancement request number TFS 351811.