Renaming fields in the parts database?

I see where you can rename the categories or add them, but can you rename the individual fields in the parts database?

Also, there are many more fields in the data base (User fields) than shoe up in the database manager.  Is there a way to add them, remove other unused ones?

  • Renaming fields and adding User fields are both tasks that can be done in the field mapping step when creating or editing a parts database path.

    Go to the System Paths area of promis-e Setup.  Click the New button to create a new Parts Database Path or the Edit button to edit the active path.  Proceed through the steps to the field mapping step.

    To rename a field, change the value in the "Display Name" column.  The value in "Display Name" is what appears on the Parts Database Manager dialog.

    To use the user1 field, for example, select/enter user1 in the "Internal (promis-e) Name" column in the row for the user1 field.  Enter the desired text for "Display Name".  Select the Category that the field should be listed under.

  • It's just not clear whether it is possible to create an inner your own name? For some reason, it is not displayed for me, although I indicated it in PartsDBmapping...