Error creating pages - MicEctEcad, Write inhibited, Bad format

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:Project Management
 Subarea:Project Manager

Error or Warning Message

When trying to create a new project page, an error message or messages appear and the New Page dialog does not appear.

File is read-only

Internal Error
Error Message: Write inhibited
TargetSite: Void OpenPage(System.String)
DeclaringType: MicEctEcad.NETMicEctEcad._Diagram
Attributes: public virtual
MemberType: Method

Internal Error
Error Message: Bad format
TargetSite: Void OpenPage(System.String)
DeclaringType: MicEctEcad.NETMicEctEcad._Diagram
Attributes: public virtual
MemberType: Method


This problem has been caused by a DGN file that is is not for a page format being present in the PageFormat folder.

Steps to Resolve

  1. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the folder used to contain the page formats that the software uses.  This is typically the "PageFormat" subfolder of the [[promis-e Data folder]] or the [[Substation Data folder]].  Check the System Paths tab of the [[Setup]] dialog to confirm.

  2. Check for any DGN files with names that indicate they may not be page format files.  i-models fall into this category and can usually be identified by the naming convention MyFile.dgn.i.dgn.

  3. Move all suspect DGN files to a temporary folder and see if the error message persists when creating a new page.

  4. If the error messages persist, move the remaining DGN files out of the PageFormat folder to a temporary folder and confirm this resolves the error.  Then move the DGN files back into the PageFormat folder a few at a time until the error message returns when creating a new page.  The goal is to identify which file(s) is causing the error message.

  5. Once the problem DGN files are identified, leave them out of the PageFormat folder.  If the identified DGN files are custom page format files that are needed, restore them from backup or recreate them.  If they are page format files provided with the software, fresh copies can be found in the [[Default Data folder contents]].

 Original Author:Matt_P

Keywords: TFS 156938