Error on Backup - The field is too small

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:Project Management
 Subarea:Backup and Restore Project

Error or Warning Message

"Field too small" error on backup. When part numbers longer than fifty (50) characters are used in a project, attempting to backup the project results in the error message below and an incomplete or missing backup file.

Internal Error
Error Message: The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
TargetSite: Void ExecuteSQL(Int32, System.String)
DeclaringType: MDBProxy.LocalTools
Attributes: public
MemberType: Method


The schema of the template database used to create the database within the backup file does not match the project database. Specifically, in the template database, a particular field in several tables is too small.

How to Avoid

The error can be resolved by using Microsoft Access to increase the length of the "partnumber" field to 255 characters in the Device_Partnumber, PartNumberData, and SymbolPartNo tables of the ECADProject.mdb database. The ECADProject.mdb file can be found in the Config subfolder of the program data folder, which is as follows:

[[Program data folder - promis.e]]

[[Program data folder - Substation]]

This issue was resolved in a later release of the software. Consider upgrading to the latest version.

 Original Author:
