Error - page already exists

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:Project Management
 Subarea:Project Manager

Error or Warning Message

When attempting to rename a page using [[Project Manager]], the following message is displayed:

Cannot rename page. A page with the name you specified already exists. Please specify a different name.

When attempting to create a new page using [[Project Manager]], the following message is displayed:

Drawing Set "my drawing set" already contains Page "57"


There is a record of a page with the same name for this project in the Page table of the project database. The corresponding drawing file for the existing page may or may not exist.

How to Avoid

Option 1 - Create/Rename the page differently

Specify a different value for Page Name or Drawing Set on the Rename Page or New Page dialog.

Option 2 - Rename the conflicting page

  1. Right-click the page with the same Drawing Set and Name as the desired new or renamed page and change the Drawing Set or Page Name values.
  2. Create or rename the desired page.

Option 3 - Delete the conflicting page

  1. Right-click the page with the same Drawing Set and Name as the desired new or renamed page and select Delete.
  2. Create or rename the desired page.

See Also

[[Error renaming or creating page - File has the same name]]

[[Cannot Open page, can only Delete]]

 Original Author:Matt_P