How to do Auto Wire numbering match to the Terminals

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:Wire Numbering
 Subarea:Add Wire Label


In below you can see that Wire number (assigned using by Automatic wire number) and the Terminal number are same so we can match these both number eg. if the terminal is 6 then the wire will be 6. 

For convenience purpose we can assign wire number as the terminal number by using Automatic wire number.

There are 2 options to renumber the terminal to match the wire number that gets assigned by following below procedure,

Steps to Accomplish

Option 1

There is a checkbox in the automatic wire numbering dialog, under Label Options, which says "Terminal = Wire Number"

Below are the steps,

  1. Select wire and click on automatic wire number command from wire properties group.

  2. Check Terminal = Wire number

Option 2

To make the Wire Number take on the value of the Terminal Number that you have already assigned, then follow below steps

  1. Click Project Options > Wire Options > Wire Tag Formats

  2. Click the edit button to the right of the Terminal format.
    (Set different formats for the wire tags for wires that connect to terminals, cables or PLC's separate from the one the rest of the "Standard" wires would get)

  3. Edit Wire Tag Format screen, change the expression so that it is based on the Terminal Number 

  4. Then run auto-wire numbering, the wires that connect to terminals will take on the Terminals Number

    NOTE:- Unrelated wires that connect to terminals that have the same number, the wires will take on the terminal number and a suffix based on the format chosen,
    much like wires that exist on the same line number would get 7 is the Terminal Number and 7.1 is Wire number

 Original Author:Avanti Khandalkar

Keywords: wire tag