Cannot Draw Wire in Schematic Mode / Wire drawn is scaled out of Proportion - Promis.e CONNECT

 Product(s):Promis.e CONNECT
 Version(s):10.00.XX.XX to 10.05.XX.XX
 Area:Wiring Feature - Promis.e CONNECT
 Subarea:Wiring Error

Error / Issue Faced

The user sometimes faces the issue that they are not able to draw wire in Promis.e. This issue might be related to the machine specific Region Setting.

This document will help on resolving this issue.

Steps to Resolve the issue

Note: Before making the above changes make sure you consult IT Team if it will affect any other application operations.

1. Open Control Panel by searching it in Windows.

2. Next in Control Panel select Region and select Additional Setting in Region Dialog.

3. Then in Customize Format dialog change the Decimal Symbol to “.” from any other value like “’,’” and click Ok on Customize Format and Region dialog to save the settings.

 Original Author:Satish Saptasagar