Can't Create a New Project Page

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation V8i
 Area:Project Management
 Subarea:Project Manager

Problem Description

When I try to create a new project page, I typed in all the information and clicked OK, but it just keeps coming back to the same create "New Page" dialog, and no page is created.  What is wrong?


This is happening because some required piece of information is missing and needs to be entered before the page can be created.  You should see a small red asterisk symbol next to the required field on the dialog that is missing its information.  For example, the Page Format or Scale fields might be blank. Another possibility is that the value you have chosen is not found by the software.  One easy way to check for that is to use the browse function next to the field to see what valid Page Format values are found in your current system setup.

 Original Author: Tani_S