Balloon Size incorrect when Placing or Moving - OpenUtilities Substation

 Product(s):OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT Edition
 Version(s): 10.00.XX.XX to 10.10.XX.XX
 Environment: NA
 Area: Construction Drawing 
 Subarea: Balloons


The user might some times observe that when placing or moving the Balloon the Balloon size changes or is smaller compared to the other Balloon on same or different pages even when using same Balloon Style. The reason this might be happning may be due to the reason that "Annotation Scale Lock" is turned off. The Annotation scale Lock is affects Balloon because Insert Balloon Tool leverages MicroStation Power Platform Annotation tool. 

Steps to Resolve:

1. Open the Project page the issue is being faced. 

2. Change the Workflow from Electrical to Drawing >> Drawing Aids >>select Annotation Scale Lock under Locks

 Original Author:Satish Saptasagar