ORA-105101 error uploading files to server

 Product(s):Exor UKPMS
 Area:HMDIF Load

Error or Warning Message

In the HMDIF preprocessor modules, or the inventory loader module, when double clicking or using the down arrow in the filename field, an error message is encountered:

FRM-40735: WHEN-CUSTOM-ITEM-EVENT trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-105101


When the user double clicks on the filename field, or uses the down arrow, it should bring up a Windows explorer window to select the file to be uploaded.  This should then transfer the file to the application server for loading.  This error can arise when there are issues with the configuration of the system that prevent this happening.

How to Avoid

Option 1 Check User Options

  1. Go to the users form HIG1832 (From the launchpad choose Exor / Security / Users) and query back the affected user.

  2. Click the User Options tab and scroll down to view REPCLIPATH and REPOUTPATH.  These should be a valid location on the application server, and match the PROD_REPORTS setting used by the Exor Listeners.

Option 2 Check default.env File

  1. Find the default.env file on the application server.
  2. Check the CLASSPATH entry and ensure the entry for uploadserver.jar matches the actual location of the file.

See Also

How to set up Exor Listeners http://communities.bentley.com/products/assetwise/exor/w/wiki/11991.how-to-set-up-exor-listeners

 Original Author:Sarah Williams