SYNCHRO 4D/PRO Crash Report General


If SYNCHRO 4D/Pro crashes unexpectedly typically a report is sent to Bentley Support Agents to look into further.



At Bentley SYNCHRO Technical Support, we are constantly striving to improve your user experience. In our efforts to achieve this goal, we have taken it upon ourselves to contact each and every individual who has experienced a crash while using SYNCHRO 4D/PRO.  

In some cases, the SYNCHRO Support Team may ask a User for additional information in order for us to investigate further, please provide all necessary details below.

1. If at all possible, could you recall what you were doing in SYNCHRO when the crash occurred? 

2. Also if you can provide steps and files to reproduce the issue this would help with further investigation.

3. We are aware that the crashes may not be project specific and thus we have some articles that may help to fix and improve performance when using SYNCHRO 4D/PRO:  Synchro 4D PRO Performance Tips 


If you have any questions regarding any of the above and are still experiencing issues while using SYNCHRO 4D/ PRO please do not hesitate to contact us as our goal is to completely eliminate any and all crashes.