Obtaining tabulated data for materials in PLAXIS Input

ApplicationPLAXIS 2D
VersionPLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22 and later
PLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V22 and later
Date created30 January 2023
Date modified30 January 2023
Original authorStefanos Papavasileiou - Bentley Technical Support Group

In PLAXIS 2D and 3D Input, we can use the tabulate command to show tabulated lists of data, and the results will be presented in the Command line Session window. The presented data can then be copied to the Windows clipboard and used in, e.g. reports, or pasted into spreadsheets for further manipulation.

Specifically for materials created in PLAXIS, the tabulate command can be used to quickly identify properties and allow for easy data collection per material type in a tabulated form.

tabulate command

The tabulate command can display a table with specified objects and all their properties:

  tabulate <Objects>

<Objects> can be any listable object like Points, Surfaces, Plates, DynamicMultipliers, Lines and Phases. The tabulate command can also be used on groups.

In order to show a table for this list, but only for a limited amount of properties, one or more  property names (separated by spaces) can be added in quotes:

   tabulate <Objects> "<Property_1> <Property_2>"

Also, it is possible to show a table for the objects that fulfil a specified condition, and some of their properties. The conditions should also be added in quotes.

  tabulate <Objects> "<Property_1> <Property_2>" "<Condition>"

A detailed article on the tabulate command can be seen here: Obtaining tabulated data from PLAXIS Input

TypeName for Materials in PLAXIS

In PLAXIS, materials can be of various types, including soil, plate, embedded beam, etc. To be able to use the tabulate command, the type of the material is required as a condition; otherwise, the command will not report back objects of different types, e.g.., you cannot tabulate all materials:

   tabulate Materials # will not print any materials

All materials defined in PLAXIS have a TypeName. Therefore, the TypeName can be used as the condition with the tabulate command to query relevant information per material type.
These available objects are:

Examples for soil/rock materials

To show the Identification of all soil/rock materials used in your model, type:

   tabulate Materials "Identification" "TypeName=SoilMat"

To show the Identification, SoilModel, DrainageType of all soil/rock materials used in your model, type:

   tabulate Materials "Identification SoilModel DrainageType" "TypeName=SoilMat"

To show the Identification and any material property of all soil/rock materials used in your model, type the property name(s), e.g. phi (for friction angle):

   tabulate Materials "Identification phi" "TypeName=SoilMat"

   tabulate Materials "Identification PermVertical" "TypeName=SoilMat"

   tabulate Materials "Identification K0Determination" "TypeName=SoilMat"

   tabulate Materials "Identification E50Ref EOedRef EURRef cRef phi" "SoilModel=HardeningSoil"

Examples for structural materials

To show the Identification of all plate materials used in your model, type:

   tabulate Materials "Identification" "TypeName=PlateMat"

To show the Identification and any material property of all plate materials used in your model, type the property name(s), e.g. d (for thickness) or PreventPunching:

   tabulate Materials "Identification d" "TypeName=PlateMat"

   tabulate Materials "Identification PreventPunching" "TypeName=PlateMat"

To show the Identification and EA properties of all anchor beam materials used in your model, type:

   tabulate Materials "Identification EA" "TypeName=AnchorMat"

Identify material properties

To identify the material properties, you can check our Object reference, for Soil, Plate, Discontinuity, etc., under the Help menu or use the echo command for any material present in a project, for example:

   echo Sand

See also