PLAXIS 2D 2023.2 Release notes

New in PLAXIS 2D 2023.2.1

Release: October 2023

PLAXIS 2D 2023.2.1 (, superseding PLAXIS 2D 2023.2.0 (, contains the following improvements and updates compared to PLAXIS 2D 2023.1:

Compatibility notes: Due to the major changes in the material database and the unit system, PLAXIS 2D 2023.2.1 will be installed alongside Version 21, instead of overwriting it. When opening PLAXIS 2D V21 projects with PLAXIS 2D 2023.2.1, projects will automatically be saved as a converted copy with the _converted suffix and will require recalculation. When using non-SI-units, the mesh also needs to be regenerated.
The PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V21 projects will remain unchanged.
Earlier versions of PLAXIS will not be able to open files saved in PLAXIS 2D 2023.2.1.

New features

Import cross section materials from Seequent Central
When importing cross sections from Central via the "Import Geometry from Central" option, the geological formation names and colours used in Leapfrog are now also used to automatically create and assign materials with corresponding names and colours to the created polygons in PLAXIS 2D. This allows the user to easily double-check and verify the correctness of the import and proceed with selecting the material models and parameter input. Importing of cross sections from Central requires a valid Geotechnical SELECT Entitlement and a Seequent Central license.
Combine polygon command
The combine polygon command available through the command line and the right mouse button context menu allows users to combine a selection of 2 or more polygons to be combined into 1 single polygon. The selection order of the polygons is considered and allows the user to determine which of the assigned materials or features are retained after the merging of multiple polygons. This feature can help in simplifying geometry imported from Central or CAD files and to optimize the numerical mesh, i.e. to combine thin layers, lenses or intrusions into the surrounding soil or rock, or to remove layer pinch outs after cutting polygons.
Import from GeoStudio 2D (Tech. Preview)
Swiftly transfer your geometry and assigned soil or rock materials from a GeoStudio 2D analysis to PLAXIS 2D using the new "Import GeoStudio 2D" option. Users can select a *.gsz project and import any of the 2D geometries contained inside the GeoStudio project file, whether it is a Slope/W, Seep/W or Sigma/W project. This feature is available as a technology preview and while the import has been tested, it will be less robust compared to regular features. Users may encounter some limitations on the supported data conversion when using this feature. Use of this feature requires a valid Geotechnical SELECT Entitlement.
Export to GeoStudio 2D (Tech. Preview)
From the Staged construction mode users can access the "Export GeoStudio 2D" option. The user can select one of the defined construction stages in PLAXIS 2D, select the intended slip surface direction, and export that as a single GeoStudio 2D *.gsz file. This allows users to continue in GeoStudio 2D for further limit equilibrium analysis on each exported phase. This feature is available as a technology preview and while the export has been tested, it will be less robust compared to regular features. Users may encounter some limitations on the supported data conversion when using this feature. Use of this feature requires a valid Geotechnical SELECT Entitlement.
Python scripting changes
SciTe version upgraded from 3.6.4 32 bits to 5.3.3 64 bits. And PySide2 was replaced with PyQt5 as the GUI framework for Python applications.
PLAXIS is part of Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company
PLAXIS is part of Seequent, Bentley's brand for subsurface modelling and analysis applications. As part of this transition, the versioning, logos and splash screens used in various places in the software and installer have seen some minor changes.
Other changes and improvements
  • All references commands, captions and tools for the "Cable bolt element" have been renamed to "Cable element" in line with the introduction of the Cable element in PLAXIS 3D.
  • The 2D to 3D converter tool now also converts cable elements.
  • Changed model name in bbm64.dll from "UnSaturated model" to "Barcelona Basic Model".
  • For all structural element types, SumPhase displacements now show the deformation results only since their activation.
  • Upgraded ReportGenerator to 64 bits to handle bigger reports.
  • The Dynamic point loads on Axisymmetric models are now correctly multiplied by the radius.
  • Upgraded the OpenSSL version solving the medium-risk security vulnerability CVE-2022-4203.

Fixed issues

The following known issues have been fixed in PLAXIS 2D 2023.2.1 version:

The following known issues have been fixed in PLAXIS 2D 2023.2.0 version:

A large number of issues have been addressed, including:

Download links

You can update to the latest version using the CONNECTION Client, or download the installer via Bentley System's Software downloads.