Status Alerts


Status Alerts allow the user to define a threshold time limit for any sensor that will trigger an alarm when the indicated sensor has not responded in that amount of time.

Adding or Editing an Alert

Adding or editing alerts can be accomplished from the Alerts dashboard page.

1. Adding a New Alert- From the Alert dashboard, select the "Add Alert" button in the upper right corner. You will then be prompted with the new alert configuration page below. If an alert with a similar configuration is already set up, the user can copy this alert to begin the configuration of a new alert.

2. Editing an Existing Alert- From the Alert dashboard, scroll to the Alert Summary card and click on the Alert to be edited. Within the Alerts Details page, click on the Pencil Icon.  


Configuring A Status Alert

This section of the article will provide an overview of how to configure a Status Alert.

1. Alert Name- Input the desired name of the alert being configured.

2. Alert Type- Select "Status" from the dropdown menu.

3. Trigger Priority- Click on the Priority Bar to assign a criticality to the alert. Dropdown options include Low, Moderate, High, and Critical. This priority will dictate the color tone of the alert when triggered and the symbol in the Alert Summary card.

4. Sensor Selection- Click on the sensor selection bar,  , to open the Sensor Selection window illustrated below. Select the desired sensors by clicking on the sensor name within the left "Available Sensors" column, moving that sensor to the "Selected Sensors" column. 


5. Trigger Duration- The trigger duration dictates the amount of time that a reading is not received from a sensor before the Alert is triggered. Ensure that the trigger duration is set higher than the sensor sampling interval to avoid false alert triggers.

6. Trigger Frequency- This dropdown allows the user to select how the Alert behaves when triggered. "Trigger once" will only allow the alert to be triggered once until the alert is acknowledged. "Trigger per sensor" allows the alert to be triggered once for each sensor selected in the configuration before the alert is acknowledged. "Continuous trigger" will result in the alert to be triggered repeatedly until the sensor begins reporting or the alert is disabled.

7. Auto-Acknowledge- Enabling the auto-acknowledge toggle will allow the alert to trigger and then automatically acknowledge itself in order to be tripped again. The sensor trigger event will still be recorded and notifications and emails will be sent.

8. Alerts Actions- Clicking the "Add new action" icon will open a window with dropdown with five configureable action options that will automatically be completed when an alert triggers. The list below outlines the five action options. 

9. Email- Alerts, by default, will only send emails to the user that created the alert. If you would like to enable emails to be sent to other users you can click on the Sharing Settings and select each user that you would like to receive an email. Emails can be toggled on or off by clicking the envelope next to each users name.

10. Create- Finalize the alert configuration by clicking the "Create" button.


Additional Alert Options

After an alert has been created, navigating back to the alert will allow additional configuration options. Click on an alert in the Alert Summary card to access these additional options. 

1. Enable/Disable Alerts- Alerts can be enabled or disabled from the Details page after navigating to an alert. A button on the upper right side of the page will allow the user to enable or disable the alert. 

2. Configuration Tab- From the alert details page, click on the pencil icon in the upper left side of the page. Navigating to the Configuration tab will bring the user to the page visible below. 

3. Test Alert- Clicking the "Test Alert" icon will send an email test to the user to allow confirmation that the user is receiving alert emails.

4. Delete Alert- Clicking the trash can icon will open a pop-up window allowing the user to delete the alert.

5. Open Issues- Clicking on the flag icon will take you to the Issue's Resolution page. Learn more about this module here

6. Open in Digital Twin- Clicking on the cube icon will allow you to view this alert within the context of the digital twin module.

7. Alert Sharing- Alerts are only visible to the creator of the alert by default. To share the alert, click on the "Share" icon to open up the sharing options window. Selecting "Custom" allows the user to add all users with correct project roles by clicking  . Users can also be added individually by typing names into the search bar and selecting from the results. After a user has been added, they can be removed again by clicking the "Has Access" icon and selecting remove. After any changes have been made, clicking   at the bottom of the window will save the user access changes.

6. Save Alert- After any changes have been made to an alert configuration, the changes will be saved by clicking on the "Save" button.