Text Fields - Auto Updating Annotations

 Version:XM, V8i, CONNECT


Most of the time when placing text in your design file it would be manually placed and remain static. In some circumstances you can place tags that contain text that can be related to a title block. With the option of Text Fields you can physically connect the text you have placed with a property of either the Element, Model or File. This allows you to enter text that could be, for example, the measured area of a closed element or the modification date attached to the file property. Below you will find a number of procedures to assist with how you can place some of these different types of Text Fields.

Element Property Fields

The properties related to the elements with your design or reference file can be used to be displayed as text within the design. Any changes made to the properties of these elements would be automatically updated with the Text Field displaying that property. For example, if you placed a Text Field related to the area of a closed element and that area was modified then the values of the area would change also. The following screen capture shows all of the properties available for a closed element. These can be different depending on the type of element that has been selected.

Model Property Fields

These are the properties of the active model and can display information like the Name, Type, Description or possibly if the model is 2D or 3D or maybe a Sheet Model.

File Property Fields

Properties of the active file can be used here like the Filename, Format, Date Created or maybe the Author of the design file.This information can be quite useful within the title block on a sheet boundary.

Steps to Accomplish

Option 1 Placing a Text Field containing an Element Property

  1. Click on the Place Text tool and you should find, by default, the Word Processor text editor is displayed.
  2. Right click within the Word Processor and select Insert Field from the displayed menu.
  3. Select Element Properties as the Field Type on the displayed dialog box and click on OK.
  4. In the bottom right corner you will see the message asking you to Identify Source Element For Field Properties
  5. Select any element in your design file. In this instance ensure you have chosen a closed shape.
  6. Under the Geometry section of the Fields Editor select the item Area and you will find the formatting information will display on the right of this dialog box.
  7. Select the Units option and you will find that you can change this to whichever units you require for the area. By default this will be shown as the Active Master Units of the design file.
  8. Change this to Millimeters and you will see the displayed value change in the bottom left of this dialog. Change this back to (Use Active Master Units) and click on OK.
  9. The value of the area property will display as text in both the Word Processor and on the cursor. Place the text field anywhere in your design file. Preferably next to the closed shape it has been produced from.
  10. You will find that if you make any changes to this closed shape the value displayed in the Text Field will also change.


Note: Video may take a minute to load due to the file size and connection speed.
          To display the video in Full Screen just double click.

Option 2 Placing a Text Field containing a Model Property

  1. Click on the Place Text tool and you should find, by default, the Word Processor text editor is displayed.
  2. Right click within the Word Processor and select Insert Field from the displayed menu.
  3. Select Model Properties as the Field Type on the displayed dialog box and click on OK.
  4. The Fields Editor dialog will open showing the Model properties available to select.
  5. Click on Description under the General section and select the Case as First Capital.
  6. Click on OK and place the Text Field at the required location and this will display the text from the Model Description.
  7. Right click again within the Word Processor and select Insert Field as before.
  8. Select Model Properties again as the Field Type and click on OK.
  9. Click on Annotation Scale from the General section and ensure the Case is set to (Default) this time.
  10. Click on OK and place the Text Field underneath the Model Description.
  11. You now have Text Fields for these Model Properties that if they change at all will also automatically change the text.


Note: Video may take a minute to load due to the file size and connection speed.
          To display the video in Full Screen just double click.

Option 3 Placing a Text Field containing a File Property

  1. Click on the Place Text tool and you should find, by default, the Word Processor text editor is displayed.
  2. Right click within the Word Processor and select Insert Field from the displayed menu.
  3. Select File Properties as the Field Type on the displayed dialog box and click on OK.
  4. Select Last Save By under the General section. This should show the name of the last user that saved this file.
  5. Click on OK and place this Text Field in the required location.
  6. Right click again within the Word Processor and select Insert Field as before.
  7. Select File Properties again as the Field Type and click on OK.
  8. Select Date Saved from the General section. This should list the date this file was last saved.
  9. Under the Date Time Format to the right change this to Short Date format.
  10. Click on OK again and place the Text Field for this date in the required location.
  11. The next time any changes are made to the user that modifies this design file the Text Field will also change.

Note: Video may take a minute to load due to the file size and connection speed.
          To display the video in Full Screen just double click.

See Also

AskInga - Text Fields

Mark_Penns Blog- How to place and update fileds in MicroStation

Mark Penns Blog - Modifying Placed Fields

How to change the Unit Label for a Text Field

Other language sources


 Original Author:Dan Koval