UCF files to be saved on the network automatically



UCF files will be saved on the network automatically when defined via configuration variable_USTN_USER in the cfg-file (e.g.Home.cfg).
Definition of the variable is the path to the folder where ucf files will be saved as shown in the following examples:


Option 1

When using forward slash:

_USTN_USER = M:/MicrostationV8i/WorkSpace/Users/

Option 2

When using back slash (double back slash must be entered at the end):

_USTN_USER = M:\MicrostationV8i\WorkSpace\Users\\

Note: The ucf-file which was last time in use in MicroStation has to be manually copied over to the server. The ucf-file which will be generated in MicroStation afterwards will be saved in the defined location automatically.

See also

Error message when starting MicroStation, "ucf not found"

Other language sources

 Original Author:Andrea Figurova