How to create additional WorkSet properties for use as Text Fields


How to create additional WorkSet properties for use as Text Fields


In MicroStation CONNECT Edition DGN files along with other files are branded with the WorkSet information to which they belong. These WorkSet Properties can be picked up and placed as Text Fields into the Design, thus modifying the WorkSet Properties will affect all WorkSet associated files.
This can be useful for example when producing a Drawing Frame containing a Clients Address, such that if a change of address the WorkSet Properties only need to be amended and all designs associated with the WorkSet containing Placed Text fields will be updated.

Steps to Accomplish

Step 1: Creating a WorkSet Custom Property

1.       Open MicroStation and select the required WorkSpace to store your WorkSet under

2.       From the WorkSet drop down, select + Create New WorkSet


3.        Enter a Name and Description for the WorkSet
4.        Select the ‘ + Add a Custom Property ‘ and choose the Type of Property required ( Text or Date ). For this example select ‘ Text Property ‘ and enter the custom property Label ‘ Address: ‘.
            In the Enter Value Field type the    Address of the WorkSet. ‘ 150 High Street ‘
5.            Optional: Create additional Custom Properties.
6.            Select ‘OK’ to create the WorkSet.


Step 2: Placing a Text Field using the a WorkSet property

In order to place a WorkSet Property the file needs to be associated with the Workset (See additional wiki article at the bottom of this article).

1.       Select the Place Text Tool

2.       Right Mouse click in the Text Editor and select ‘ Insert Field ‘ to open the Select Field Type Dialog

         3.        Choose the Field Type : File Properties and OK

4.       In the Fields Editor Dialog navigate to the section titled ‘WorkSet Properties’ select the Custom Property created and select OK



5.       Place the Text into the Design and close the Text Editor.


Step 3: Change a WorkSet property

1.       Open MicroStation and select the Workspace/Workset

2.       Select the ‘ Properties ‘ and choose ‘Advanced Properties’


3.       Amend the Custom Property ‘ Address ‘ and Select OK.


4.       Open a Design containing the Text Field to the Custom WorkSet property and verify the change.


See Also