Place Guardrail Using a 3D Line Style

 Version:CONNECT Edition

The Situation
Do you have a need to quickly display linear features such as guardrail or barriers in your 3D designs?


Display linear features such as guardrail using 3D custom line styles.

As the nature of our work becomes more 3D-oriented, we may find a use for 3D line styles in our everyday workflows. Learn how to place a 3D line style to display design features such as guardrail, traffic separators, handrails, railings, or fences quickly and easily using 3D custom line styles.

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To place a 3D custom line style:

  1. In the view window to be used to place the 3D line style, set the view orientation to Top.
  2. In the active Attributes, pick the desired “3D” line style.
  3. In the view window (with the Top orientation), place the element used to represent the desired linear feature (line, line string, curve).
  4. Review the results by observing the 3D geometry used to represent the linear feature.