04. Reasons #4, why OPIM does not create a drawing file or drawing is blank from an AutoPIPE model?

Applies To
Area: Stress Isometric
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Feb. 2017


Stress Isometric does not create a drawing file, why? Reason #4.


Answer: Program failing to launch 2nd executable

The application needs to launch a separate executable to convert the *.L00 files to isometric drawing.

Answer the following questions:

1. Check in the model directory, is a "modelname.PCF" file generated?
2. Check in the model directory, is a "modelname.apiso" file generated?

If answered YES  to both questions and still no Isometric drawing was created, then most likely cause would be that the Operating System is blocking AutoPIPE's ability to launch that separate *.EXE process "ExecISO.exe" from installation directory.

Confirm Iso Viewer selected under Isometric Manager Settings and try again. 

Is a Stress Isometric created, 

If No, go to back to reasons why and review other suggestions

See Also

Reasons why stress Isometric was blank or does not create a drawing file?

OPIM Stress Isometric Troubleshooting Guide

Bentley AutoPIPE