Error - How to resolve "Output results required" error in AutoPIPE vessel?

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Environment: N/A
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
June 2023


How to resolve "Output results required" error in AutoPIPE vessel?

Why does this happen and how to avoid?


When user perform the calculation with Optimized design method, software calculates the missing information which user left blank.

But in case user wants to perform the calculation with checked design method, it is very important to feed all the required information before performing the calculation.

If user missed to provide any such mandatory data to complete the calculation then software gives "Output results required" error.

To avoid such errors follow below points,

  1. Ensure you entered the correct nozzle thicknesses and other dimensions for all nozzles.
  2. Enter bolt diameter and dimensions correctly.
  3. Assign proper material to all components.
  4. Ensure assigned material properties are within the limit of design temperature.
  5. Ensure you entered the appropriate value of corrosion allowance (Should not be higher than design thickness).
  6. If you still face the same error, follow below steps
    1. Change the design method to optimized design and execute the calculation.
    2. Go to the Execute<Convert Results as input data.
    3. Cross check the input and see which fields has been changed.
    4. Reverse the design method with required details.

See Also

Error Message

Bentley AutoPIPE

Bentley LEARN Server