Error Code 243 - FLOATING HEAD (crown): modulus of elasticity at ambient temperature missing..... me

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Area:Error Message
Date Logged
& Current Version
Aug 2023


The following message appears in AutoPIPE Vessel, how to avoid it?

Error Code 243 - FLOATING HEAD (crown): modulus of elasticity at ambient temperature missing


As mentioned on by the error text, the modulus of elasticity for the component material is missing. 


Open Floating head Properties dialog and select the Material Tab. Find that the Design (Int) or Design (Ext) Modulus of Elasticity are blank. 

As shown on the dialog Design (int) / (Ext) tab, the Properties are at a temperature of 330 °C. From the Floating head Material tab above press the Edit material button and review selected material data:


A value must be shown in the Modulus of Elasticity field. The user has the following options:

1. Reduce the design parameters of the project to meet the requirements of the Code material selection.

2. Select a different material that has existing data beyond that required.

3. Using information from AutoPIPE Vessel help, make modifications to or add to the material data currently available in the software. 

Note: Being a custom library file, Bentley cannot be held liable for the inaccuracy of the new library content. It the responsibility of the user to verify all custom library data and that it is being recalled correctly by the application. 

See Also

Error Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel